Church of Christ
Acts 2 contains one of the most famous sermons in history. Peter, who had once denied knowing Jesus at His trial, stood with the other disciples in the grandeur of the Temple and loudly and defiantly declared that Jesus was raised from the dead and the Saviour of all. Countess thousands heard the sermon, and 3,000 were baptised that day. From there, the saved were being added daily to the Lord’s church (Acts 2:47).
In contrast, the book of Acts closes in quiet defiance. Paul, the man who approved of the killing of disciples like Stephen, was under house arrest in Rome. Now, he taught who came by the gospel (Acts 28:30-31).
In the middle of Acts (20:20), Paul stated that he had taught “…publicly and from house to house.” Paul’s “20:20” vision is to be ours today: whether in public or in homes, we must declare that Jesus is Lord. As David Livingston once said, “Christ alone can save the world, but Christ cannot save the world alone.