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Church of Christ



Graham McDonald, February 24 2019

We Are Church!

Church isn’t a building; it’s people. Those being saved are added to the church, Acts 2:47. The church has a head and a body, Ephesians 1:22-23. The church was purchased with blood, Acts 20:28. 

Knowing the difference between a building and a group of saved people is important. Knowing what it means to be a group of saved people is far more more important. It’s one thing to know the truth about the church of the New Testament, it’s another thing to be the truth.

Truth sets you free, John 8:32. Truth is found in God’s Word, John 17:17. Truth is being like Jesus, John 14;6, 1:18. 

When you are in the community, what do others see? A building? Or a member of a saved community?

Written by

Graham McDonald

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